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The vision to learn today
is the power to see success tomorrow
Eden Consulting Tree.png
Where we go,
success grows

The Eden method of training engages salespeople just like customers.  It starts by getting to know their personalities, styles, and existing skills. And, just like selling someone a truck or a line of credit, we explore individual needs, desires, objections, motivations, and goals. It is only then that an effective training program can be facilitated that grows the team.


The roots are the industry-specific selling concepts and principles, the trunk the cohesiveness and mutual ownership of procedures, and the branches are the individuals with their unique application of techniques.  


Eden Consulting is personal, fluid, dynamic and effective. Let's make great things happen together.




Team Training 

Getting more from a sales team is not just cultivating skills. It's developing trust. Each member must know the playbook and believe in the team. When procedures and sales techniques are understood, utilized, and successful, salespeople are more adventurous and motivated because they know someone has their back.


Individual Coaching

Individual training and coaching help new employees or, for example, someone advancing from one job to a more direct sales position, to become effective and an integrated sales team member.  Finding their strengths and weaknesses is the first step in creating a road map to success. It's the way we grow.


Task Specific Training

Lead generation, prospecting and referral follow through are some of the functions that Eden Consulting can target a training program. Processes are valuable when they lead to more done deals. We will review your your team members and create a plan that will develop the skills needed to increase sales volume and generate higher profits. 


Eden  Consulting training is flexible and created to fit your needs. Are you ready to grow your sales?


Contact Jessica now:


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